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HRH Creator &
The Hot Rod
Helicopter story: |
Bob Kinney, designer/builder of
the HRH, considers himself a practical “electro-mechanical
applicationist.” He has built things since early childhood:
cars, motorcycles, houses, airplanes, Queen Ann furniture,
carousel horses, and so on. Bob was born in a small town in
Connecticut where, as a young boy, he and some friends would sneak
away from camp to visit a nearby factory that was manufacturing
curious rotary-wing machines. Looking back, Bob is convinced that
the man with the distinctive Russian accent that continually
chased him and his friends away from that factory was Igor
Sikorsky—father of the modern helicopter—and only later
understood that those curious machines were helicopters. |
Bob has had a lifelong fascination with flight. In his
teens he explored Bensen Gyroplanes and later taught himself to
fly ultralights. Eventually he was introduced to the world of kit
planes and built a Q2, which he soloed upon getting his
pilot’s license. After the Q2, he built a Glasair;
but during these “fixed-wing days” he remained haunted by the
vision of vertical flight. A gyroplane, which required a runway,
wouldn’t do. He surveyed the homebuilt helicopters then available,
but was discouraged by their use of 2-stroke engines and
belt-driven tail rotors. Further, he
sought a helicopter with “style”—something he found lacking in most designs. Bob realized he would need to design,
based upon his in-depth knowledge, his own
helicopter, incorporating his “wish-list” of features: a
4-stroke engine, shaft-driven tail rotor, year-round,
cross-country flight capability; ease of maintenance; etc. He knew
that many people attempt to design and build their own helicopter,
but few succeed.
One year, one month, one week and one day passed from the day Bob
purchased the first piece of frame tubing to the first flight of
the Kinney Hot Rod Helicopter. During this time the design
itself was finalized. Not only was the performance of the HRH
outstanding, but after 300 hours of flight in less than three years,
maintenance has been almost nil. The HRH has been on numerous cross-country flights and received various
awards. Pre-flight checks
are simple because of the open design. Winter operation is
possible thanks to a catalytic heater and removable doors. For
travel, many
landing sites are available to helicopters that are inaccessible
to airplanes. The HRH exceeded Bob Kinney’s fondest
expectations, every flight being an adventure. |

With rightful pride,
Bob Kinney holds
an award
by his HRH |

Vortech, Inc. has been in the homebuilt
helicopter industry since 1970, specializing in plans, kits, parts
and components for the hobbyist. The Kinney HRH is the most recent
and finest homebuilt Vortech has had the privilege to work with. |


HRH has won such prestigious awards as Sun 'n Fun's "Outstanding New
Design" (2002) and EAA's East Coast Regional Fly in's "Best
Rotorcraft" (2001)
Vortech offers the
full set of plans for building the HRH in 2 affordable formats:
full-size and reduced-size.